
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Updates on the Tagg life

     Some time has passed since my last post so I figured I would give you a little update on our life and the things that have happened.
     After my family left, as much as I missed them, it was nice to be able to get back to the normal life routine.  The house was quieter and life slowed down, I will admit that I crashed the night that they left and got a pretty good nights sleep thanks to Titan who was also exhausted from all the attention that he got.  The next day, Tuesday, I was able to go back into work with TJ which was nice as well. Working from home is nice and really convenient, but I miss the office and the interaction with people.  It was really funny because as soon as our co-workers saw us so many of them came rushing asking where Titan was.  Unfortunately to them we had left him home with TJ's mom since our whole point in going was to meet with the HR lady to talk about insurance.  We wanted to be able to focus and thought it would be a little more professional to go in alone instead of bringing Titan in his car seat.  The whole insurance thing was really frustrating and rather confusing to me.  I learned that because I don't ever get 30 hours of work in a week then I would have to be under TJ on the insurance plan which would raise our monthly payment up to almost $800.  I don't know about you but for a young couple with a newborn $800 is no where near affordable for us.  Other than the price, having TJ on the plan was not our plan either so we had to figure out how to get it so that only Titan and I would be on the plan, which ended up with me committing to 30 hours a week.  Now that I am trying to do that, I didn't realize how hard it would be with taking care of our baby.  It all worked out in the end and the price was dropped to a much more financially affordable amount.
     The Sunday after his baby blessing was Titan's first full Sunday at church and he did really good if I must say so myself :)  It was fun to have him and show him off to more people other than the family and the whole congregation from the front of the chapel.  That weekend more of TJ's family came to visit as well so it was another crazy weekend of having a lot of family over.  But we made it through again :)

Titan in his Sunday outfit

TJ's little cousin, Mikelle, and Titan

     Just last week Titan went in for his 2 month doctors appointment, can you believe he is 2 months old already? Time goes by so fast, I understand now why we are always told to enjoy every moment because it goes by faster than you think.  I need to get a camera other than my phone so that I can take better quality pictures.  I didn't realize what the 2 month appointment included until we were already in the doctors office, I remember feeling so bad!  Titan took it like the champ that he is.  Of course there was a lot of crying and struggling against the nurses, but who wouldn't? I know that I would, they're sticking 3 needles straight into your thigh!  No fun at all.  I remember taking off the little band aids and seeing the dried spots of blood, made me so sad too!  Knowing that the next appointment at 4 months will include another round of shots makes me not want to take him but it's what I've got to do so I guess we'll both have to tough it up and go in like champs again :)

The crying after his immunization shots

     Other than those things not much else has happened.  We went back into work one other time and learned that TJ is getting his own office now, awesome!  Granted its in the back corner but hey, its better than the cubicle that he was in.   Every day is wonderful and different every day as Titan grows more and more.  Definitely the joy of ours lives :)

Just a cute random picture of him sleeping
 his often funny and strange positions

Monday, March 4, 2013

Titan's baby blessing

     This past Sunday was Titan's baby blessing and what a special, unforgettable day it was.  The whole last week TJ stressed about it and was in constant thought of what he was going to say, looking for inspiration and waiting for more.  Because church starts at 1:00 I was able to sleep in until 9:30, which was nice until I got up and realized all that I had to do.  Making pasta salad, bathing Titan and getting him ready, get ready myself, make sure I feed Titan right before we left so he wouldn't get hungry or fussy during the blessing and throughout Sacrament.  Thankfully TJ was very helpful in taking care of Titan so that I was able to take care of everything else, he is the best husband in the world and I am very thankful for him.
     12:40 rolled around and we all ran out the door, there was going to be three blessings that day and we knew that seats were going to be sparse.  We had 13 people in the circle with made for many families there to support us and share in our special day.  Many friends attended as well adding more supporters to the already large group.  I can't describe in words how special it was for TJ and I to have so many friends and family there who love us and were there to support us.
    TJ did a more than incredible job with the blessing and I will admit, I cried throughout the entire thing.  I wish that I had recorded it, but it will always be in my mind.  Once the blessings were finished both TJ and I bore our testimonies which was special to me as well.  We haven't done that before and it was the first time that I was not afraid to go up at all.  TJ went first and made me cry with his testimony, which was not really fair for me as I was trying to be strong and hold back the tears in the first place.  My testimony has never been as strong as it was that day and I cried/sobbed through the whole thing.  Many moments I had to stop and try to calm myself down as I'm sure the congregation could not understand I was saying through the tears.  After Sacrament meeting was over I received many compliments and thank-yous for my testimony, as did TJ.
     After a couple pictures in the foyer we headed home and enjoyed a luncheon with everyone.  The day was wonderful as well as exhausting.  I am so thankful for the support that we received and for the blessing that TJ gave to our beautiful son.

Titan in his blessing clothes

~More pictures to be posted when received~

Titan meets my family

     This past weekend my family was able to make a trip down here from Idaho to meet Titan as well as to attend his baby blessing.  They arrived Friday night and stayed until Monday morning.  It was really fun and special for me to introduce Titan to them, they all love him very much and think he's pretty darn cute.  I have to agree with them, lol :)  I was proud of him each day that they were here, he was very well behaved and didn't have a problem with constantly being passed around from person to person. On Saturday Titan and I went with them up to Primary Children's Hospital to visit my sister and her husband, as well as see their baby girl, Saylor, as she just came out of surgery.

*Side story* My niece, Saylor Williams, has had a hard time concerning her health since she was born.  It started as jaundice, but as the weeks went by we noticed that it didn't go away.  Her skin color continued to darken and her health continued to go down.  She went to several doctors appointments and soon learned that her liver was not working properly and was having a hard time passing fluids (can't remember what exact fluid it's supposed to be passing) and was beginning to fail.  The doctors told Lindsey, my sister and her mom, that there was a chance that if it did not get better then Saylor may not live to see her 2nd birthday.  She was admitted to Primary Children's Hospital where she stayed for 6 weeks before a liver was donated that matched what she needed.  It's sad that another baby had to die for her to receive a liver but we are all so very grateful that one was donated as her liver was in the last stages of liver failure and it was just a matter of time before her body gave up.  Today Saylor is recovering very well from surgery and her body has accepted the new liver and gall bladder smoothly.  She will stay for another 6 weeks until she is completely healed before she can go home.  It's really cool to see her dark skin lighten and become white, she looks like a completely different baby.*

It was fun to be there as a complete family, minus TJ as he had to stay behind due to meetings.  It's been a while since we have been able to do that, I enjoyed it very much.

My sister Kylee holding Titan 

     After we left the hospital and started to head home, we stopped by Cabellas to check it out and look around.  I have never been there and had a lot of fun seeing all of the animal displays and learning more about different animals that I had never seen.  I held Titan as we walked around and told him about the animals we were looking at. I wish he could have understood what I was saying to him but it was really fun for me to pretend like he could and teach him new things.  The fish tank was AMAZING!!  I have never ever ever seen fish so big, it was so cool!  There were salmon, steelhead salmon, black basses, catfish, crappie, sunfishes, carp, small sturgeon, and so many more.  Some just stared right through the glass at you or at the logs inside, never moving :)  One of them was between a log and the wall- upside down! 
     We went home and had a nice dinner with TJ's family, played some games with them and watched movies.  It was nice to relax and spend time with both families.  Over all, the weekend was wonderful and I can't wait to do it again.

Kylee and I in front of the fish tank

Kylee with a fish "swimming into her mouth" ;)

The upside down fish