12:40 rolled around and we all ran out the door, there was going to be three blessings that day and we knew that seats were going to be sparse. We had 13 people in the circle with made for many families there to support us and share in our special day. Many friends attended as well adding more supporters to the already large group. I can't describe in words how special it was for TJ and I to have so many friends and family there who love us and were there to support us.
TJ did a more than incredible job with the blessing and I will admit, I cried throughout the entire thing. I wish that I had recorded it, but it will always be in my mind. Once the blessings were finished both TJ and I bore our testimonies which was special to me as well. We haven't done that before and it was the first time that I was not afraid to go up at all. TJ went first and made me cry with his testimony, which was not really fair for me as I was trying to be strong and hold back the tears in the first place. My testimony has never been as strong as it was that day and I cried/sobbed through the whole thing. Many moments I had to stop and try to calm myself down as I'm sure the congregation could not understand I was saying through the tears. After Sacrament meeting was over I received many compliments and thank-yous for my testimony, as did TJ.
After a couple pictures in the foyer we headed home and enjoyed a luncheon with everyone. The day was wonderful as well as exhausting. I am so thankful for the support that we received and for the blessing that TJ gave to our beautiful son.
Titan in his blessing clothes
~More pictures to be posted when received~
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