
Friday, October 29, 2010

Day One...

October 29th, 2010

     It was just an ordinary Friday for me- I was going to go to work and then go home and maybe watch a movie on Netflix.  Little did I know that that day was going to be the first day of the rest of my life.
     I got into work that morning and the thought crossed my mind to check my Facebook before my manager got into the office.  I opened it up and saw my last message to TJ Tagg, a friend I had met a few weeks prior, telling him that I would text him as he had just messaged me his number.  That's when I sent a quick "Hello, this is Lauretta, how are you?" text to him hoping he wouldn't be mad that I had completely forgotten to text him.  A couple of texts later he asked me if I wanted to go to Lagoon with him as it was his 22nd birthday and by what I like to think of as some help from above, my manager approved of my request to leave early and I replied a happy "yes".
     TJ picked me up that afternoon and we were off to Lagoon for an evening at Frightmares.  It doesn't really sound like it would have been, but that night was the best first date of my life.  On the drive up TJ grabbed my hand for the first time while singing a song that will always be a part of our life- "All You Wanted" by Michelle Branch.  Then when we arrived we parked a ways away and ended up getting lost trying to find the front entrance.  I remember it was getting cold, the fall leaves were covering the sidewalks and paths, and the sun was beginning to set which all together created a rather romantic walk.  Our hands started getting cold and so to keep them warm we held hands again while we talked and got to know each other a little more.  We finally got there and had so much freezing cold fun going on a lot of rides and through a haunted house or two.
     On the drive home that night TJ looked at the time and told me how every year at the time that he was born- 11:11 am- he makes a wish, but this year he had forgotten so he was going to do it at 11:11 pm instead.  We watched the next minute tick by until the clock read 11:11 and then he looked at me and said "Can I have my wish now?"  I smiled because I knew exactly what his wish was and leaned over and kissed him and said Happy Birthday.  That was our first kiss!  Haha :)
     We went back to his house and watched a little bit of Madagascar 2 before he drove me home that night.  I don't remember very many first dates but I will always remember that one, it was the first date with who is now my husband and best friend.

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